Commission Arthur Breur to Compose
Original Music for a Wedding

Portland composer Arthur Breur has more than three decades of experience composing original music for weddings, both traditional and personalized.

And why not? Music is forever. A customized musical composition to be included in your wedding music adds to the uniqueness, the class, the mood, and to the style of the event.

Whether you want prelude music, a bride’s march for walking down the aisle, music during the ceremony, music for joyously presenting the new couple at the end of the ceremony, or music for the entire ceremony, commissioning original wedding music makes the statement that this relationship is one of a kind.

Music Drawn From Your Heart
The AHOV Grid

Your custom musical composition can include references to your favorite songs or movie themes, can be in a variety of styles to suit the tastes of the couple, and can even have the couple’s names written into the notes. (See the “AHOV Grid” chart included here. This is a little musical trick Arthur Breur has used for many years, to compose customized melodies from words or names.)

So why use the same wedding music as anybody else?

Contact Arthur Breur about your wedding ceremony music. (And remember that musical compositions can be created remotely and the music delivered as a recording or as sheet music for musicians and/or singers to perform live at ceremonies in any part of the country or the world!)

Sample Wedding Music (Wind Quintet)

The following wind quintet is arranged from an original organ prelude composed by Arthur Breur for the wedding of Wendy Minnes and Bruce Sherman. The piece was commissioned by Christopher Minnes. The main melody was composed by writing the first names of the couple as the notes of the music.

Wedding Prelude (arranged for Wind Quintet) by Arthur Breur

Arthur Breur