Arthur Breur is joining other music business subject experts presenting January 6 – 8, 2022 in the 2022 Ultimate Music Business Summit ( This year, he will be presenting with fellow composers Lisa Neher and Garrett Hope, discussing creating artist-in-residency opportunities.

After working with both the Tualatin Valley Symphony (“TVS”) and the (unrelated) Tualatin Valley Community Band (TVCB), Arthur found himself repeatedly visiting and working with both ensembles. In collaboration with TVCB’s board president, Phil Pastelis, Arthur created a template for a mutually beneficial “Composer in Residence” agreement, and is now Composer in Residence for both TVS and TVCB. Following his template, first Garrett and then Lisa also created their own residencies.

The three will discuss the process of conceptualizing a residency, finding an organization to work with, and the agreement terms that create a customized, mutually beneficial Artist Residency with no financial requirement to the organization and no additional activities required by the artist than they would be doing in the first place.

This year, in addition to presenting, Arthur is a member of the Summit’s executive team along with Dr. Heidi Kay Begay and Dr. Garrett Hope.

For more information on the more-than-30 music business presentations in 2022’s Ultimate Music Business Summit, visit


Arthur Breur discussed websites for artists as a presenter on the 2021 Ultimate Music Business Summit

Leveraging his expertise in websites—gained from more than 20 years as a website developer and in his role owning the web development company, FireSpike, Arthur Breur is joining other subject experts presenting in the 2021 Ultimate Music Business Summit

Arthur’s presentation is titled “Websites 101 for Musicians” and covers the basics of why to have a website and what to do with it when you have it. This presentation is targeted for those with little to no experience with websites, but includes tips and insights that will be useful to everybody on how websites work and how to make websites work better for anyone in business—including the business of music.

Arthur Breur